Todd Brown – Bullet Campaign Workshop

Todd Brown – Bullet Campaign Workshop

What you can learn from Todd Brown – Bullet Campaign Workshop?

Each training session runs about half an hour. So you can bang-out each weekly recording and be off to the races.

And you’ll see right away… these private sessions are NO fluff… NO fancy slides… NO posturing or white-washed advice…
Obviously, I don’t care about any of that stuff when training my team.

Nor do I care about making these private training sessions fancy or flashy. I care about one thing. THE SUBSTANCE — giving my guys the best, most actionable marketing gems to deploy right away to bring-in a lot more sales. So I pull no punches. And say it like it is for my guys.

  • Recording of Todd’s Internal Team Training (weekly)
  • FREE: The Private “Secret Sauce” Video
  • ​FREE: Todd’s “Golden Ten” Required Reading List
  • ​FREE: Todd’s Marketing Team Meeting Agenda

This is a rare opportunity for you to profit from the same high-level tactics, strategies, training, and methods I’m PRIVATELY showing and teaching my own marketing team right now and every week going forward…

As well as your chance to own the most precious internal resources… so essential… I require my whole marketing team to go through them.

Todd Brown – Bullet Campaign Workshop

$ 397

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