Mike Becker – Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar

Mike Becker – Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar

What you can learn from Mike Becker – Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar?

Join the Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar. Systematically Grow Your Email Revenue with ChatGPT, Escape Funnel Hacking Hell, and Succeed Even If You’re a Party Hat Business Amidst an Economic Depression.

4-Hour Recording of Part 1 of the EmailGPT Seminar: Mastering ChatGPT Prompting

  • What Is ChatGPT & How Does It Work
  • Intro To ChatGPT Prompts
  • Effective VS Ineffective Prompts
  • Constructing Effective Prompts
  • The “Act As…” Hack
  • Cheat Codes & Helpers
  • Guided Conversations & Feedback
  • Common Mistakes & Troubleshooting
  • Mastering ChatGPT Prompts
  • 36 Use Cases For Email Marketing

4-Hour Recording of Part 2 of the EmailGPT Seminar: Mastering ChatGPT for Email

  • Leveraging ChatGPT for Email
  • The Promo Prompts Worksheet
  • Research the Target Audience
  • Research the Product
  • Build Irresistible Offers
  • Build Promotional Plan
  • Build Email Editorial Plans
  • Write the Email Lead
  • Doing Everything After the Lead
  • Guiding the Promo Voice & Style

Mike Becker – Art & Science of EmailGPT Seminar

$ 397

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