Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp Download

Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp Download

Workshop #1 — State of the Supplement Market and Why It’s Different

  • Supplement market overview: top-selling products, how to spot a “hot” nutrient, who the target market is, top sales channels/formats to use (online AND direct mail), biggest players
  • Supplement copy compliance: FDA/FTC—overall guidelines and tricks for getting around them
  • Research overview: best studies and where to find them, competitor research, collecting swipes, using AI tools
    … And more!

Workshop #2 — Giving your Supplement Promo the Huge Edge it Needs

  • Stage of market sophistication and why unique mechanism/proof are essential for supplements
  • Differentiating your supplement in a sea of competitors
  • How to maximize your doctor/”guru” and boost sales even without one
  • How to structure your promo to keep your prospect reading or watching—and avoid common mistakes that lose supplement buyers
    … And more!

Workshop #3 — How to Beat Supplement Controls and Launch New Products

  • Secrets to beating an existing control: how to analyze and find its weaknesses, where to look to gain an edge, leaving no stone unturned
  • Deciding on the “big idea”: best angles to use/test, how to weave it throughout your promo
  • Crafting compelling headlines and leads for promos (sales pages, VSL, direct mail)
  • Driving traffic to your supplement sales page or VSL with the right email or “lift”
    … And more!

Workshop #4 — Making It Impossible for Your Prospect NOT to Buy

  • Closing the sale with copy – what you MUST do with supplement copy closes
  • Structuring your offer – best types that work and how to choose
  • Creating upsells and cross-sells – online, phone, email follow-up, in the box
  • Getting reorders: the crucial lever that makes all your promos more profitable
    … And more!

Workshop #5 — Supplement Client Secrets – Best Tactics for Freelancers Now

  • Finding clients
  • What to charge
  • Negotiating royalties
  • Steering clear of bad clients
  • The all-important, cover-your-butt contract must-haves
  • What supplement clients are looking for
    … And more!

Kim Krause Schwalm – Supplement Copy Boot Camp Download

$ 997

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