Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification Program Download

Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification Program Download

What You Get:
Module #1: The Mindset of an Email List Manager

1.1: Copywriting vs Email List Management (Why does ‘ELM’ make more money?)

1.2: ‘ELM’ Success Stories (PROOF that you can be next)

1.3: The $30k/mo Mindset + Productivity Hacks

1.4: How to use this Program & where to find HELP!

Module #2: How to Write High-Converting Emails

2.1: Finding Endless Writing Ideas (Research Hacks)

2.2: The 5 Types of Emails That Work Over & Over

2.3: The 7-Point Checklist to Perfect your Emails

2.4: Unique Subject Lines, From Names, & Link Hacks

2.5: How to Create NEW Promos (even better than holiday sales)

2.6: How to run a Launch (Huge $$$ Potential)

BONUS: Ecom Emails w/ Brennan Hopkins

BONUS: Affiliate Emails w/ Christian Davis

BONUS: Edit Old Emails to be New Again w/ Jerrod Harlan

BONUS: 6 Emails that Boost Opens, Clicks & Sales… Guaranteed!

BONUS: Quick & Easy Split Test Wins w/ Jerrod Harlan

BONUS: SMS Marketing w/ CJ Flood

BONUS: Sample 30 Day Content Plan

BONUS: Email Paramedic Swipe File of 100+ Best-Performing Emails

Module #3: Bulletproof Strategy & Automation

3.1: My Exact Email List Management Strategy

3.2: What to do when you sign into an ESP

3.3: Broadcasts vs Automations

3.4: The Key Automations You Must Set Up ASAP

3.5: Automatic ‘Follow Up’ Emails (Extra 12% Sales)

3.6: Creative ways to make HIGH-ticket sales

3.7: How to think about Stats (even after iOS 15)

3.8: How to Track Sales (and get paid bonuses)

3.9: Grow your Email List for Free (Re-engagement)

BONUS: Make Money when people Unsubscribe

BONUS: 7 Figure Company’s Email Marketing Strategy

BONUS: My Exact Email Automation Templates

BONUS: My Exact Email Stat Tracking Sheet

BONUS: My Exact Client Research/Onboarding Document

Module #4: Deliverability

4.1: How much can you make w/ better Deliverability?

4.2: How to tell if you have Email Deliverability Problems

4.3: What causes Good or Bad Email Deliverability?

4.4: How to avoid the Gmail Promo Tab (Anti-Promo Tab Code – up to 2x open rates)

4.5: How to get out of Spam, Pt 1 (DKIM/SPF/DMARC)

4.6: How to get out of Spam, Pt 2 (Segmenting)

4.7: How to get out of Spam, Pt 3 (Faster Results)

BONUS: Email Deliverability Q&A

BONUS: How I got my first ‘ELM’ client out of spam

BONUS: How to choose or migrate your ESP

Module #5: How to quickly find & close CLIENTS

5.1: You’re only 3-5 clients away from $10k+/mo

5.2: What to Offer & How Much to Charge

5.3: Personal Branding – Avoid ‘Client Turn-Offs’

5.4: Upsell your past/current clients into ‘ELM’

5.5: Getting Referrals & Testimonials w/ Brian Speronello

5.6: The right way to get clients from Social Media

5.7: My ‘Ask & Show’ Client-Getting Strategy

5.8: Cold Emails that get Clients w/ Andrew Hodukavich

5.9: My Personal Sales Script (for calls or messages)

5.10: How to set up all the ‘Client-Closing Tools’

5.11: Payments, Contracts, & Onboarding Templates

BONUS: The Email Paramedic Certified Job Board

BONUS: How to Get Clients w/ Sean Ferres

BONUS: How to transition from a Job to Freelancing

Module #6: Going from freelancer to business/agency owner

6.1: How I went from 0–>7 Figs (and my plan for 8)

6.2: Freelancer, Agency Model, or Business Owner?

6.3: Creating a UNIQUE High-Ticket Offer

6.4: Should you create a low ticket info-product?

BONUS: How I “easily” 5x’d a client’s business

BONUS: Facebook Ads with Loren Pinilis

BONUS: YouTube Ads with Brian Moncada

AI Module: The BEST ways to use AI

  1. How to write your 1st (or next) GREAT email w/ AI
  2. Research & Write for New Niches/Clients

Troy Ericson – The Email List Management Certification Program Download


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